Оценка эффективности мероприятий по вовлечению школьников в науку (STEM) в контексте концепции вовлеченности и мотивационных теорий: обзор исследовательских стратегий
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2. Керша Ю.Д., Обухов А.С. Экспериментальное исследование роли онлайн-кружков в повышении мотивации и самоэффективности учащихся в естествознании // Интеграция образования. 2023. Т. 27. № 2. С. 208-226. DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.111.027.202302.208-226 EDN: KDAAFI
3. Малошонок Н.Г., Щеглова И.А., Вилкова К.А., Абрамова М.О. Гендерные стереотипы и выбор инженерно-технического направления подготовки // Вопросы образования. 2022. № 3. С. 149-186. DOI: 10.17323/1814-9545-2022-3-149-186 EDN: KQPQHC
4. Технологическое образование школьников: актуальная ситуация и пути развития. Аналитический отчет за 2018 год. М.: Кружковое движение НТИ, Институт образования НИУ ВШЭ. — 129 с. [электронный ресурс]. Дата обращения 08.09.2023. URL: https://publications.hse.ru/pubs/share/direct/289430426.pdf
5. Шмелева Е.Д., Фрумин И.Д. Факторы отсева студентов инженерно-технического профиля в российских вузах // Вопросы образования. 2020. № 3. С. 110-136. DOI: 10.17323/1814-9545-2020-3-110-136 EDN: PLGUIG
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11. Drymiotou I., Constantinou C. P., Avraamidou L. Enhancing Students' Interest in Science and Understandings of STEM Careers: The Role of Career-Based Scenarios. International Journal of Science Education. 2021. Vol. 43. No. 5. P. 717-736. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2021.1880664
12. Eccles J.S., Wigfield A. From Expectancy-Value Theory to Situated Expectancy-Value Theory: A Developmental, Social Cognitive, and Sociocultural Perspective on Motivation. Contemporary Educational Psychology.Vol. 61. P. 101859. DOI: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2020.101859
13. Falk J.H., Meier D.D. Expanding the Boundaries of Informal Education Programs: An Investigation of the Role of Pre and Post-Education Program Experiences and Dispositions on Youth STEM Learning. Frontiers in Education. Frontiers Media SA. 2021. Vol. 6. P. 672487. DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2021.672487
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16. Fredricks J.A., Reschly A.L., Christenson S.L. Interventions for Student Engagement: Overview and State of the Field. Handbook of Student Engagement Interventions. 2019. P. 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-813413-9.00001-2
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22. Hecht C.A., Harackiewicz J.M., Priniski S.J., Canning E.A., Tibbetts Y., Hyde J.S. Promoting Persistence in the Biological and Medical Sciences: An Expectancy-Value Approach to Intervention. Journal of Educational Psychology. 2019. Vol. 111. No. 8. P. 1462. DOI: 10.1037/edu0000356
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24. Kang J., Keinonen T., Simon S., Rannikmae M., Soobard R., Direito I. Scenario Evaluation with Relevance and Interest (SERI): Development and Validation of a Scenario Measurement Tool for Context-Based Learning. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 2019. Vol. 17. No. 3. P. 1317-1338. DOI: 10.1007/s10763-018-9930-y
25. Kennedy T.J., Odell M.R.L. Engaging Students in STEM Education. Science Education International. 2014. Vol. 25. No. 3. P. 246-258.
26. Lesperance K., Hofer S., Retelsdorf J., Holzberger D. Reducing Gender Differences in Student Motivational-Affective Factors: A Meta-Analysis of School-Based Interventions. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 2022. Vol. 92. No. 4. P. 1502-1536. DOI: 10.1111/bjep.12512
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32. Renninger K.A., Hidi S.E. Interest Development, Self-Related Information Processing, and Practice. Theory into Practice. 2022. Vol. 61. No. 1. P. 23-34. DOI: 10.1080/00405841.2021.1932159
33. Reschly A.L., Christenson S.L. Jingle, Jangle, and Conceptual Haziness: Evolution and Future Directions in the Engagement Construct. Handbook of Research on Student Engagement. Ed. by Christenson S.L., Reschly A.L., Wylie C.A. N.Y.: Springer Science. 2012. P. 3-19. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-2018-7_1
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35. Ryan R.M., Deci E.L. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation from a SelfDetermination Theory Perspective: Definitions, Theory, Practices, and Future Directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 2020. Vol. 61. P. 101860. DOI: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2020.101860
36. Schmidt J.A., Beymer P.N., Rosenberg J.M., Naftzger N.N., Shumow L. Experiences, Activities, and Personal Characteristics as Predictors of Engagement in STEM-Focused Summer Programs. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 2020. Vol. 57. No. 8. P. 1281-1309. DOI: 10.1002/tea.21630
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Поступила: 10.02.2024
Опубликована: 23.09.2024
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