The phenomenon of women childlessness in Russia: historical and social background

  • R. T. Fakhrislamova Institute of Demography of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
How to Cite
Fakhrislamova R.T. The phenomenon of women childlessness in Russia: historical and social background. Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal = Sociological Journal. 2014. No. 3. P. С. 33-54. DOI:


Over the past 200 years, the birth rate in our country has undergone major changes; as a result the study of the childless as a population group is of considerable interest to researchers. The aim of this work is a study of female childlessness as a social phenomenon, the causes and conditions of its dissemination in Russian society. Thanks to the works of social historians, medical doctors and demographers the essence of the phenomenon of childlessness in Russia has been described. Using the population Сensus 2002 and 2010, we have traced the evolution of the percentage of the childless among the women of different ages and generations.As the analyses has shown, there have always been such women, however their number changed as well as the attitudes towards them in society, and the reasons for childlessness. In any generation, in different epochs celibacy was the main reason, but the role of this factor has varied throughout the demographic history.The problem of female childlessness in modern Russia has a tendency to rise, particularly in urban areas. In addition, we found a regional differentiation in the level of childlessness, which once again demonstrates the diversification of its causes and effects. In the second half of the 20 century the influence of demographic factors (war, famine, social and economic turmoil) at the level of childlessness was virtually phased out. Development of reproductive medicine, gynaecology, infertility treatment effectively increased the number of women who gave birth to children. At the present stage, there has been an increase in the number of the voluntarily childless, that may be a reflection of both the interim and final individual choice
childlessness, celibacy, fertility, marriage rate

Author Biography

R. T. Fakhrislamova, Institute of Demography of the National Research University Higher School of Economics


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Fakhrislamova, R.T. 2014. The phenomenon of women childlessness in Russia: historical and social background. Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal = Sociological Journal. 3 (Oct. 2014), С. 33-54. DOI: