Territorial factor of the electoral choice in the russian analytics of the early 20-th century

  • O. A. Kazhanov Smolensk State University kazhanov@bk.ru
How to Cite
Kazhanov O.A. Territorial factor of the electoral choice in the russian analytics of the early 20-th century. Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal = Sociological Journal. 2014. Vol. 20. No. 4. P. С. 121-132. DOI: https://doi.org/10.19181/socjour.2014.20.4.241


The author touches upon one of the least studied issues, that of the application of the factor analysis to the behavior of electors in the Russian electoral practice of the early 20-th century. The article notes that the election to the State Duma of the Russian Empire caused a great interest in the research of the electoral choice at the as well as singling out of its formation determinants. One of the main subjects of our research are the entities of people resident on a certain territory and exhibiting certain specific features in voting. Using the materials of the Duma electoral campaigns of 1906–1912 which comprehended the outlooks of the Russian researchers of the territorial-and-little-village-like settlements and ethnocultural characteristics of the electoral space in the process of voting. The article also indicates that special objects of analysis were also ethnic diasporas residing in the largest cities of the Russian Empire. The Russian analysts fixed the changes in the political motivation of their representatives in the entire course of the Duma Election. The author reveals the special features of approaches in the framework of the basic ideal and political factors of that period and singles out some theoretical guesses, made the representatives of that time? Which though having not become the basis of forming science? Yet testified to a very high level of an analytical thought of the Russian electoral researchers of the early 20-th century.
electoral analytics of the early 20-th century, the Duma elections, electoral behavior, the factor analysis, the territorial factor, sociocultural characteristics of the electoral space

Author Biography

O. A. Kazhanov, Smolensk State University
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate professor


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Kazhanov, O.A. 2014. Territorial factor of the electoral choice in the russian analytics of the early 20-th century. Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal = Sociological Journal. 20, 4 (Dec. 2014), С. 121-132. DOI:https://doi.org/10.19181/socjour.2014.20.4.241.