Students' orientations concerning the values of economic culture

  • E. L. Mogilchak Urals Federal University named after the first Russian President B.N. Yeltsin
How to Cite
Mogilchak E.L. Students’ orientations concerning the values of economic culture. Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal = Sociological Journal. 2014. Vol. 20. No. 4. P. С. 44-58. DOI:


The article is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between basic life values and values of students’ economic culture. The results of the representative study of the 749 four-year students of Yekaterinburg are presented in the paper in question. Based on the survey data the value of labour and consumption are described in a single system with basic life values, the hypothesis concerning the projection of students’ life values into socio-economic relations is confirmed.A comparative analysis of the four typological groups of the respondents with different value preferences is made. The findings are based on the factor and cluster analysis.It should be noted that success enters one factor with the values of wealth and power, on the one hand, — with the value of labour, on the other hand: i.e. responsibility, independence and work creativity. It was found out that the greatest focus on the importance of success in life was shown by the students from the two clusters, in total, comprising about two thirds of the respondents. However, the means of achieving success in these groups are fundamentally different.In the value preferences of one cluster, the importance of success combines with enrichment of the value of labour and consumption based on high values of creativity and self-realization in work, there is a strong focus on such moral values as benevolence and respect for people. The students of the other cluster are distinguished by the most developed focus on wealth and power but by a weakly manifested focus on honest work. The most undeveloped orientation is the orientation on such moral values as respect for people in the sphere of economics.The article reveals the contradictions representing the sources of risk in the students’ lives with different value complexes. The author comes to the conclusion that the main contradiction in the values of economic culture of students after graduating will be the contradiction between the moral and individualistic values.
vital values, success, economic culture, values of labour, values of consumption

Author Biography

E. L. Mogilchak, Urals Federal University named after the first Russian President B.N. Yeltsin
Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Sociology


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Mogilchak, E.L. 2014. Students’ orientations concerning the values of economic culture. Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal = Sociological Journal. 20, 4 (Dec. 2014), С. 44-58. DOI: