A non-sociological view on sociology

  • O. N. Yanitski Institute of Sociology of the RAS yanitsky@mtu-net.ru
How to Cite
Yanitski O.N. A non-sociological view on sociology. Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal = Sociological Journal. 2011. No. 1. P. С. 82-101.


The article is aimed at the analysis of theoretical, methodological and applied problems of comprehension and use of sociological knowledge by non-sociologists: scientists, other scholars and social activists. It is concluded that sociologists should not only facilitate an interdisciplinary communication with the aim of mutual understanding and practical contacts between scholars, scientists and civic activists but to direct this communication towards modernization and transit Russian society to the phase of “knowledge society”. Methodologically, it means conversion of a sociologist into “insider”, whereas technologically — his/her participation in the maintenance of interdisciplinary dialogue, in creation networks tied scientific, expert and practical knowledge.
civil society, knowledge (scientific and local), natural sciences, sociology, social activism, Russia

Author Biography

O. N. Yanitski, Institute of Sociology of the RAS
доктор философских наук, профессор, главный научный сотрудник


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Yanitski, O.N. 2011. A non-sociological view on sociology. Sotsiologicheskiy Zhurnal = Sociological Journal. 1 (Mar. 2011), С. 82-101.